Our candidates spend 2 years and then become Postulants.
The crowded living conditions required a serious expansion.
Several years of Sisters' contributions and committed international donors created a fine new major residence.
A joyful day as recently our chaplain joined the entire community in blessing our new residence.
All of our Facilities are simple and basic. Similarly our additions are no frills, to fit our simple monastic life styles.
Within our entire campus and all the area villages there was not a single facility to accommodate large group gatherings, such as school celebrations, social gatherings, adult ed programs, special interest & civic organizations and seminars.
The project started with "sweat equity", the Sisters themselves gathering basic building materials for this large building.
The wonderful purpose of this project, which meets such a wide variety of basic needs, did necessitate some major fundraising.
We were able to secure the amount needed to create the basic structure.
However there are a number of essential and costly projects to finish and put the building into it's final, important use.
Still needed to complete this important project:
Specific itemized estimates of each are available. Interested donors please just click this website opening message page and ask us for this information.