Many of our Sisters are trained and serve as Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Lab Tech's, pharmacists and administrators to carry out Christ's healing presence.
We provide health care to thousands of rural Tanzanians, including at no cost for those who are not able to pay. Often a chicken or small bag of rice as payment.
After years of fundraising we constructed a new dispensary. Just a day before the official opening,a gas leak ignited and destroyed the facility. We continue in our old building, as the only fully functioning health service for a large, multiple village area...until we can rebuild.
Another New Dispensary Under Construction
Particularly important for Women of the Future!
Providing quality education to prepare our youth to be valuable members of our country and Church. A good number of our Sisters are engaged in various levels of Education.
It all starts with little ones. This includes socialization training as well as the "3 R's".
Higher Education is highly valued, increasingly more important in the lives of young Tanzanians.
Carpentry, Electrical Technicians, Water Well Drilling, and Tailoring are among the trade skills provided to prepare an entry into a life of self sufficiency.
Life skills are so vital as Tanzania moves from a rural agrarian culture to urbanization.
Trades offer new options for young people to become self reliant.